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Promising Practice: Teachers should feel comfortable with the subject matter and its pedagogy.

Research shows that financial education programs have a positive effect on student learning when they offer a professional development component to support teachers. Prepared and confident teachers are the backbone of an effective financial education program. There are many opportunities for teachers to receive quality (and often free) training.

Here are some online resources:

  • GFLEC created micro-credentials that high school teachers can use with specific pedagogical approaches for 20 different personal finance topics. Secondary school teachers who earn micro-credentials are eligible for continuing education credits in many states. The micro-credentials are free and easy to apply for.
  • The Council for Economic Education (CEE) offers videos and on-demand webinars for educators through EconEdLink. CEE also has a network of affiliated councils and centers that provide professional development and resources throughout the United States.
  • The Jump$tart Coalition created Jump$tart Financial Foundations for Educators, which is a shared model that organizations can apply to use. Once approved, they gain access to the training resources and can implement their own training event.
  • Take Charge Today has an online video library, webinars, and a forum through which teachers can share best practices. It also offers interactive workshops throughout the country. You must sign up for access, but all the material is free!
  • The National Endowment for Financial Education provides an Introduction to the Program Webinars as well as local volunteer contacts to support teachers at the state level.
  • Working in Support of Education (W!SE) created a personal finance certification. The program targets high school teachers and offers workshops for teachers preparing for the test.
  • NextGen Personal Finance offers multiple opportunities for teacher training, including toolkits, webinars, and conferences. NGPF provides one-day teacher FinCamps in all fifty states at no cost to teachers annually.

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These resources are all offered for free!