Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids, provides a series of short videos geared towards students in grades K-6 with accompanying activities for classrooms and families.
Finances for Kids, supported by Sesame Street, provides a series of short videos of personal finance topics with the popular characters. Accompanying activities for parents and caregivers are provided.
CashVilleKidz has a YouTube channel with 24 episodes of short videos for young kids to learn about money matters.
Beth Kobliner has a series of videos on how parents can talk with their kids about money and several videos targeted for young learners.
For older kids
PwC Charitable Foundation has created interactive modules with Earn Your Futurethat include free videos and additional activities to do with your teen.
Visa Practical Money Skills, offers a series of games including The Payoff, which includes simulations in which students learn about financial basics such as budgeting.
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