Schools and districts can be at different places on the road toward an effective financial education program. There may be elective courses or other initiatives that can be added. There are many ways to advance financial education.
National standards for financial education exist. If you do not know financial education requirements in your state or are interested in learning what other states have done, there are numerous organizations that have developed databases of state legislation in personal finance.
Different stakeholders will have different priorities depending on what matters to them. The key is to develop a message that will matter to each stakeholder.
There is ample evidence that financial literacy is an important issue. However, it is helpful to gather additional evidence about why financial education is not only important but an urgent issue within your community.
An important element in speaking up about the importance of financial education is understanding your audience. Different groups and individuals will have different priorities and reasons for caring about financial education.
There is ample evidence that financial literacy is an important issue. However, it is helpful to gather additional evidence about why financial education is not only important but an urgent issue within your community.
There are many actors involved in the offering of a school-based personal finance curriculum. This section outlines who is involved and their roles. It is helpful to involve as many actors as possible in the promotion of financial education.
Building momentum is an important way for advocates to increase awareness and support in the community for financial education in high school. The more individuals and organizations show heir support, the more likely policy makers will make financial education a priority.
The toolkit includes resources, games, and activities to get you started with personal finance topics.
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