It may seem daunting to advocate for policy that requires or recommends financial education programs. Take on this challenge! Check out these resources to help you plan policy changes.
Schools and districts can be at different places on the road toward an effective financial education program. There may be elective courses or other initiatives that can be added. Check out some ideas of ways you can encourage schools to advance financial education.
To be a powerful advocate, it is helpful to know what is needed in an effective high school financial education program. Through research, we found six essential elements.
Young people drive our economies—and our future—but most of them have never learned to save, manage, and invest their money. A financial education program is one of the most effective ways to teach money management at an early age and lay a foundation for success later in life.
To be free from financial worry is one of life’s great aspirations. That’s where financial literacy comes in. You can use it to your advantage every time you make a decision about money.
Pioneers in the field of financial literacy designed three simple questions that measure the ABC’s of financial literacy, known as the Big Three. Many people find the questions challenging. How about you?